Tag Archives: Reflections

Still working on it..


I was thinking, that  since I’ve been talking about setting intentions and all that for a New Year, maybe I’d better check in. But, I’m not ‘there’ yet.  Still working on my goals, my intentions, my ‘word’ for this year.  Thankfully, it doesn’t all have to be set in stone on THE FIRST DAY, right?

Thinking about a whole year takes time.  And thought, prayer, journal writing and meditation.  And that’s why I’m not there yet.

New Year’s eve, I ‘attended’ the next door neighbor’s party – without really ever attending.  I live in a townhouse complex so got all the excitement (ok, noise) without even leaving my house.  Trying to pray or write or even THINK on that night was crazy.

New Year’s day, I spent a good amount of the afternoon doing some exercises, writing, and thinking about a ‘word’ that would resonate to me for the year – a suggestion from a friend –  but, I have not been able to come up with just one word, so to heck with it.  Maybe I’ll choose five words that resonate!

Anyhow, I’m scheduling more time this weekend to work on this very important project.  Important to me, at least.  Maybe not to anyone else in the world, but that’s ok, too.

I’ve spent New Years doing these things for many years, already.  I look forward to it, and spending the time reviewing and looking ahead really helps me to focus on goals.  And helps me to feel motivated as well.  Funny how, everywhere you look on the internet, someone else is suggesting doing what I’ve already been doing for decades.  Think I’m ahead of my time?


What have I done Right?


In reviewing this past year, I ask myself – what have I done right?  It’s important to do so, I think, because I believe we are mostly not in the habit of patting ourselves on the back.  And that’s important.  So, here’s my list:

1.  Taking babysteps, I have begun to learn all about the holistic way of life.  I’ve never been interested in this way, before now. There is a lot to learn.  But I have begun implementing ever-so-small changes in the way I go about my daily way.  Good changes.  Changes that, in the long run, will make a difference.

2.  I studied and began to practice qi gong.  Amazing, amazing, amazing.  Life changing.

3. I completed a 10 week program, complete with certificate, on Professional Communication.  It was hard.  It was incredibly stressful.  I got sick from the stress not once, but twice.  But I did it.  Confidence grew.  Resolve strengthened.

4. I built, and am building a lovely relationship with my baby grandson.  I will be there for him, God willing, as long as I possibly can.  My children did not have grandparents in their lives.

5. I devoured every book I could get my hands on…and will continue to devour.  Books on leadership are the ones I crave right now.  The human energy system also fascinates me.

6.  I became a certified  Reiki Karuna Master – energy healer, for those who aren’t sure what that is.

7. I was open to learning more about myself at every turn, and in every situation that presented itself to me.

8.  I handled a few difficult conversations – the type of conversations I would previously do everything I could to avoid.

9. I loved my children well, I hope.  I guess one would have to ask them – but I feel good about who I am as a mother.

10. I re-organized and re-formatted an entire office for a non profit organization.  I discovered skills I never knew I had!

I’m happy I’ve found this many.  I know there must be many more, but ten is a good number…

stay tuned…


p.s. One of the harder things I must add – I forgave.  Forgiving is not easy, and it took a long time to arrive.  But, I arrived.  Even to the place where I can now feel compassion on those who hurt me.  That’s how I know I’ve forgiven…